
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The past year

Looking back at the past year, we have had a lot of change. No wonder my patience gets drained! Here are some things we experienced ....

- Brian got a new job in Oklahoma
- Sold our house
- Moved into an apartment
- Abby fell out the second story window
- Brayden had tubes in his ears
- I started working again
- Brayden got hand-foot-mouth disease
- Moved into a house
- Abby got bit by a nasty spider

Although it feels like we have had a lot of drama this past year, it really was a good year. I cannot wait to see what I will get to experience this coming year!


  1. Super cute picture. Abby got bit by a yucky spider???? Oh yuck? :(
    I hope Bryaden's tubes cleared up the ears.

  2. Tam, so glad your back online. at least i can see them this way. how is abby's spider bite? you have moved into a house, when and where? does not seem possible that brayden is that old. tell him happy birthday from his great aunt judy. love to you all



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